Magnifying Heather Heyer
This article is reprinted with permission from Ms. Magazine Blog In a heart-wrenching eulogy in memory of her daughter Heather Heyer, who...

Seriously? Racists Hate Childless Women, Too?
Grief and tears followed by anger. Helplessness followed by more anger. The weekend of August 12, 2017 was rough. And as I sat at home,...

Canada's Adults Without Children Are Making History
One scary bridge and a claustrophobia-inducing tunnel allow people living in the Detroit area to explore another country as easily as...

Childless By Chance? How Revolutionary.
No matter your politics, or even where on the Earth you live, 2017 is just a little crazy. Cray, if you prefer. Not that...

Doctor Who and Feminine World Domination
The Internet was all a-Twitter in Summer 2017 with the BBC’s announcement that the thirteenth regeneration of the popular time-and-space...

The Question That Childless Women Rarely Want to Hear
"Do you want to hold the baby?" A simple question that's not simple at all. My assumption is that for child free (by choice) women, the...

Something New at The NotMom Summit: Men Without Children
The NotMom is a website for women; there really can be no doubt about that classification. When we were designing the NotMom Summit, we...

NotMom on The Go: My Stolen Secret for Criss-Crossing Europe
I am so grateful that I have been able to enjoy a good deal of international travel in my adult life, and it’s not slowing down now that...