Childlessness As a Cause of Death? You Betcha.
When I started The NotMom in 2012, it didn't take very long for Google to present me with an article from India telling of the death of a...
No Joke: There's a Government Effort to Cure Loneliness
Here's a big secret: America has been snared in non-stop political, racial and gender in-fighting nationwide for the first three months...
This Proposed Law Says Childless Households Aren't Families
October 2017 delivered a pile of stunning headlines, and the one from Jutamji List, the Croatian daily newspaper and website, announces...
The NotMom Summit Interview: Jody Day
Childless and childfree women come in lots of shapes and sizes. We are all colors, all cultures, and all ages. As much as we have in...
Canada's Adults Without Children Are Making History
One scary bridge and a claustrophobia-inducing tunnel allow people living in the Detroit area to explore another country as easily as...