A Conference for Childless and Childfree Women? What Is THAT Like?
"I didn't know what to expect, but I had to be here." That was the most repeated description of our first-ever conference for women...
The NotMom Summit Interview: Jody Day
Childless and childfree women come in lots of shapes and sizes. We are all colors, all cultures, and all ages. As much as we have in...
Voluntary Sterilization: When Women Ask For It, Why Won't Doctors Listen?
The NotMom is really popular in Canada, and that's a good thing, because it means that NotMoms in countries other than the United States...
Childless Women Know All About Unanswered Prayers
Only a year or so after I began my journey with The NotMom brand and the women attracted to it, a very good friend who is also over 50...
Why Isn’t Octavia Butler a Household Name?
“All that you touch, you change; all that you change, changes you.” --Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Sower I have always loved science...
Another Childless Woman to Remember: Edith Windsor
I was really sad when I heard that Edith Windsor died at age 88 in September 2017. I recognized her name immediately. She's the woman...
It's the Same Question for Non-Parents and Parents: Can’t We All Get Along?
For the past 11 years, I have made an annual pilgrimage to the heart of Atlanta, Georgia over Labor Day weekend. Plans are already...
Another Childless Woman Redefining Feminine Legacy: Caroline Ferriday
When I told a friend that I was reading Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly, she let out a sigh and said, "That is one hard book." Actually,...
The NotMom Summit Interview: Kate Kaufmann
Childless and childfree women come in lots of shapes and sizes. We are all colors, all cultures, and all ages. As much as we have in...