Advisory Board

Amy Blackstone, Ph.D.
Bangor, Maine
Amy Blackstone is a professor at the University of Maine. Her teaching and research interests include the sociology of gender, work, food, and families. She has served as a consultant on workplace sexual harassment cases, and her research on this topic has been cited in the New York Times, USA Today, BuzzFeed, TIME, NBC News, and other outlets. Her book Childfree by Choice (Dutton, 2019) explores the history and growing movement of adults choosing to forgo parenthood. Dr. Blackstone has shared her research on the childfree choice in The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Huffington Post, on the Katie show, and other venues. She is passionate about food and has taught the Sociology of Food at UMaine and in Italy.

Laura Carroll, M.S.
San Diego, California
Laura Carroll's book on childfree couples, Families of Two received international recognition and paved the way for her to become an expert and leading voice on the childfree choice. With a Master's in Psychology, she has tracked and researched the childfree choice since the late 1990s. For several years, Laura ran the popular blog, La Vie Childfree, which is now a library of childfree writings at lauracarroll.com.
Laura is currently conducting a longitudinal study on childfree women. Laura is also the author of The Baby Matrix: Why Freeing Our Minds From Outmoded Thinking About Parenthood & Reproduction Will Create a Better World. She has been featured on ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS morning shows, a variety of radio talk shows, U.S. and Canadian public radio, print/digital media, including Fortune, The Wall Street Journal and
New York Magazine to discuss social science topics.

Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos
Incline Village, Nevada
Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos (sig-din-us) is an award-winning author and health advocate. She is internationally recognized for her writing on the limitations of reproductive medicine as well as the personal and social ordeals that accompany fertility challenges. She
collaborates with researchers, academics, and childless advocates to bring related data, studies and
insights forward.
In her books Finally Heard and Silent Sorority,
Pamela shares the unpredictable and emotionally demanding experience of confronting unexplained
infertility and reinvention in a pronatal world. Her work today as co-founder of ReproTechTruths.org gives voice to the seldom acknowledged population reconciling the trauma of failed fertility treatment.

David Farmer
Dallas, Texas
David Farmer’s advertising career has been primarily spent with multi-national ad agencies, including McCann-Erickson and D’Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles, developing and producing creative campaigns for companies such as The Coca-Cola Company, American Express, Budweiser, Exxon, IBM, KFC, Motorola, Texas Instruments, Churchill Downs, and the United Way. In addition to his work with McCann-Erickson and DMB&B, Mr. Farmer has served as the VP, Creative Director at McCann-Erickson, Executive Vice President, Executive Creative Director at Barkley Evergreen & Partners in Kansas City, Missouri, as well as Executive Vice President, Executive Creative Director at Creative Alliance in Louisville, Kentucky.
A pioneer and innovator in the industry, Mr. Farmer is the youngest recipient of the coveted H.K. McCann award for creative excellence on his work for Coca-Cola while at McCann-Erickson. David also created and built a multi-million dollar company called Ad Giants, a marketing software company that specializes in enterprise brand management systems with client such as Wendy’s, Comerica Banks, Chevron, Sears and many others. He also launched an online Saas business targeting SMB’s to assist them with full-service marketing called MODsocket. MODsocket has partnered with FedEx Office and Wix to become their single marketing resource for their customers. MODsocket is unique in that the business model provides one of the first DIFM (Do-It-For-Me) services, and has replicated the entire professional ad agency workflow into a monthly paid subscription.